Saturday, May 31, 2008

Democratic Primary Fuss

I'm not real clear on the situation with the Florida and Michigan democratic primaries, but I think it is really a clear deal. The Democratic party told these states that if they moved their primary dates to before February 5th, that they would not count the delegates from their states.

Florida and Michigan decided to thumb their noses at the national Democrats, and went ahead and scheduled their primaries for January 29th and January 15th respectively.

Now the Democrats are saying those states votes DON'T count! Surprise surprise!! I say they knew the ramifications of moving their primaries up and nothing has changed. The votes don't count.

End of the story. Now their is all this back and forth blah blah blah politics. I am sick of it. I say it is a done deal. They don't count. It is not complicated.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Coal plant thoughts

I just had a thought..I think if Sunflower Electric would sell all the electricity that the proposed plant generates only to Kansas I think the plant would be quickly approved.....maybe next year!!

Voter ID Bill

I like the idea of voters providing ID to cast a vote. I think pretty much everyone has an ID these days. You can't really exist without one. The story says the Governors office hasn't really commented whether she would veto it or not but past experience says she will. Since the session is over with only the wrap up left, if she vetoes the bill it will be dead. I can't see a downside to the bill...maybe I need to think on it for a while...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Coal plant debate rages on

I admit I am not real well read on this issue but I will put my two cents in anyway. This is how I see it:

The State had some kind of law that the KDHE had to approve or deny any new construction such as the coal plants proposed for Finney County. The plan was submitted to the KDHE and was subsequently denied.

The company wanting to build the coal plant, Sunflower Electric, had assumed that the KDHE approval was merely a formality, that of course they would build it....

Now everyone is in an uproar that the plan was denied, and state legislators are trying to get around the due process that took place in the denial.

Thats about it in a nutshell...As for my opinion of whether the plant should be built...I haven't made up my mind about it. I think it's obvious that most of the power is going to go out of state to as far away as California. I think that the number of jobs beyond the initial construction (which would probably be contracted to an out of state firm anyway) is miniscule. I used to live in Finney county and never met anyone who worked at the Electric plant, and I am assuming that it doesn't create that many jobs in operating the plant.


Welcome to my new blog...I will try to post items and opinions of value to anyone interested in whats going on in the state of Kansas...Whether that be politics, entertainment, the legal system, stay tuned and see what happens!!