Saturday, May 31, 2008

Democratic Primary Fuss

I'm not real clear on the situation with the Florida and Michigan democratic primaries, but I think it is really a clear deal. The Democratic party told these states that if they moved their primary dates to before February 5th, that they would not count the delegates from their states.

Florida and Michigan decided to thumb their noses at the national Democrats, and went ahead and scheduled their primaries for January 29th and January 15th respectively.

Now the Democrats are saying those states votes DON'T count! Surprise surprise!! I say they knew the ramifications of moving their primaries up and nothing has changed. The votes don't count.

End of the story. Now their is all this back and forth blah blah blah politics. I am sick of it. I say it is a done deal. They don't count. It is not complicated.

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